Wow its been a busy few days, we spent the weekend down in NYC, one of my favorite cities in the world! It was a lovely break, a little busy, but in a good way, it has made both of us a little more relaxed which is great!
I started my OPKs on Sunday, so far have had one 'low' and two 'high' days so everything looks like it'll be gearing up for ov on Friday! I've been trying to drink more water, at least 2 liters a day, which seems to be having a good effect on my cm, but I am glad I can do the opks on a morning, there's no way I could hold my pee for long enough if I had to do them on an afternoon!
Hubby has noticed that the maca has had a positive effect for him as far as volume goes, guess we won't know if its helped with quality or quantity yet but feeling hopeful that it has! His appointment letter from the doctors came through today as well, he's feeling slightly more confident about it at the moment but has asked if I can go with him, which of course I will. My appointment is now looming on the horizon and I have a weird mix of nerves and excitement. I'm nervous about what they may say is wrong but excited that we're taking a step towards our long awaited bfp!
So, so far so good this cycle, everything is looking positive so can just sit back, relax and enjoy the run up to ov!
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